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Club Requirements operating under Level 2

  1. There will be no more than 50 persons on the premises at any one given time.
  2. All members will be checked into the Clubhouse and must either scan the Covid-19 Tracer App or otherwise record entry thereto. THIS IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT.
  3. Staff will be wearing masks at all times (Although not a mandatory requirement it is preferable that members follow this procedure whilst on the premises.)
  4. Physical Distancing – You must keep a distance of at least two metres from anyone that you do not know.
  5. Wash and Sanitise – Please remember to wash your hands and sanitise regularly. These facilities are available within the Clubhouse.
  6. Poo/ Snooker Room, Gaming and TAB are all closed.
  7. No persons other than members and staff may enter the Club at any time.
  8. There will be no Jokers Wild or Member Draws during Level 2 restrictions.
  9. If you are feeling unwell or are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19. for safety of others, please do not come to the Club.
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